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Thursday, June 17, 2021

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shine india magazine buy online  Published this articles page no 171  Consequently the initial round of IMPRINT (IMPRINT I) created an unprecedented enthusiasm among the researchers in academia. From 2612 initial proposals only 259 were selected and 142 projects are now underway with an outlay of Rs 485 crore for three years. Until now IMPRINT I has culminated into more than 200 peer review publications and about 25 patent applications and invention disclosures. Over 250 project staff including about 100 PhD scholars and 50 post doctorates have been engaged in various projects. In order to disseminate the progress of all the 142 projects a new KNOWLEDGE PORTAL has been created in the IMPRINT website (https// knowledge portal) to display the recent exploits and progress significant results and possible breakthrough achieved on a monthly basis from each project apart from documenting the knowledge (publication report patent) and facilities (instrument d e v i c e  l a b o r a t o r y ) c r e a t e d  m a n p o w e r ( s t u d e n t  s c h o l a r ) trained financial resources obtained/ utilized collaboration (with industry or partners) pursued and above all the prototype pilot or product developed under the ongoing IMPRINT I research project. The portal will remain active until the logical conclusion of the projects. All the products and prototypes will be displayed in public through an exhibition in February 2019. shine india magazine buy online


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 banking services chronicle price  Published this articles page no 106  This is because the processes of undertaking computations are different in classical format and quantum format and quantum computing has been projected to bring in major change to the existing structures of computing processes. At present quantum computing is at an experimental stage and it is expected that in a few years this technology could become a reality bringing in major disruption in the IT (Information Technology) sector in particular and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) sector in general. banking services chronicle price


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banking services chronicle reasoning book  Published this articles page no 105 n n o v a t i o n m o s t l y indicates advancements however it is important that such advancements should be novel too. This is because at times the advancement is more about the progression for the existing technology than having discovered something new or original. Say in case of developments being witnessed over the years in the domain of computers a 32bit microprocessor introduced in 1985 the Intel 80386 which was known as 386 was replaced by a 486 microprocessor after a few years which was a higher performance unit. Here the nature of technology almost remained the same but the up gradation of technology was witnessed. However if the present conventional (known as classical) system in future gets replaced by a quantum computing system then it could be correct to conclude that a new innovation in the computing technology has occurred. banking services chronicle reasoning book

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 banking services chronicle pdf download  Published this articles page no 104  There is no doubt that innovations have made a difference to society from times immemorial. But they should not be restricted to individual efforts of scientists and researchers alone. The innovative spirit in each one of us has to be nurtured from the very beginning and young minds taught to think out of the box rather than just get through with rote learning. This calls for a reformation in the education system as also changing the mind set of parents and the society at large. Collective efforts by all relevant stakeholders can make all the difference. banking services chronicle pdf download


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Friday, June 11, 2021

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 banking services chronicle subscription Published this article page no  As artificial intelligence makes its presence felt in the productivity space a typical local language user is waking up to a process of transformation happening around him. All of a sudden you are neither limited I Artificial intelligence has started to change the very face of local language technologies products tools services and features. As a result developers have been able to simplify and augment user experiences and facilitate better productivity for Indian language users. Virtual assistants now understand verbal commands given in Hindi. These revolutionary developments in local language technologies are surely going to benefit the developers and the users alike but things can also be seen from the broader perspective of digital inclusion. to using a keyboard to input text nor you necessarily have to learn another language to interact with people unfamiliar with your language. Such experiences are not entirely uncommon for English language users however for typical Indian language users it is a relatively new phenomenon and they are loving it. banking services chronicle subscription

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banking services chronicle pdf Published this article page no  Its buying (or procurement) is largely based on open tendering process which gives everyone a chance to participate in an unbiased non- discriminatory way. Hence tender notices have to be published publicly on the main outreach channels. Traditionally tender notices were advertised in newspapers now with the advent of e-tendering these notices are increasingly getting posted on social media channels as well. The two examples above bear testimony to this trend–the first one is a tender notice from Ministry of Power inviting bids for electric cars while the second one is from Ministry of Information & Broadcastings Chandigarh Bureau for digital printing. Crowdsourcing Ideas & Innovation The internet is fundamentally participatory in character–people openly share their knowledge skills and experiences in the belief that others can benefit from it. Sometimes this is free or there may be some incentives for it. Crowdsourcing is a popular activity on the internet where you get to tap into the collective wisdom of the crowds. On the left is an example on how the Indian Governments community participation platform MyGov is leveraging crowdsourcing by hosting a Logo Published this article page no  Design Competition for an upcoming government heritage complex. Citizens are invited to contribute their logo entries for the contest which has an accompanying cash prize to generate excitement and motivate participants. Citizen Service-Delivery Apps The government has launched various service delivery apps for its citizens. Social media is a key channel to drive awareness about these apps and get people to download them. Because these apps are mass targeted the intent is to make them go viral and spread via word-of-mouth from person to person. Social media channels like Twitter Facebook WhatsApp are best-suited for this virality. The two examples here showcase this–DigiLocker is meant for digitised documents & certificates while UMANG is like a gateway (or a directory) to multiple government services. banking services chronicle pdf