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Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking service chronicle december 2020

 banking service chronicle december 2020

banking service chronicle december 2020 Published this article page no   According to a recent poll conducted by ComputerWorld about forty percent of the population believes that people can increase their political power by going online. Hence many academics believe that people in western societies are becoming more technologically educated in order to gain more influence in the political sector. For example Mr. Jeffrey Cole a director at the University of Southern California states This year 6% of regular Internet users said they have their own blogs 16% said they post pictures on the Web and more than 10% maintain their own web sites. In 2003 3% of Internet users said they blogged 11% posted photos and less than 9% maintained web sites.ComputerWorld 2005 1  Thus the question raised by many is Is the Internet providing a more democratic and participatory human society for the future Mr. Cole agrees that the Internet plays a pivotal role in providing a more equitable society that encourages participatory development. He argues that due to the younger generation having the ability to effectively communicate through Internet forums they are more willing to express their political opinions online. The younger generation also has the opportunity to engage in academic discussions with people who are older and have more experience such as university lecturers or people who specialize in the area of discussion. Hence the Internet has clearly demonstrated its use in terms of educating the younger generation for the future. However the positive benefits that can be gained through the use of the Internet not only extends to young citizens but has also created an impact for those who are in the workforce and are keen to learn more about their nations political system. Research has shown that many Americans are surfing on the Internet before a Federal Election to increase their knowledge about political parties and their policies. Mr. Cole states The Internet is no longer a marginal force in American politics  it is quickly becoming the central force in empowering voters.ComputerWorld 20051. For example the success of the election of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean was mainly due to the Internet where online fundraising and lobbying was used to ensure that people were adequately informed of the parties policies. Hence due to the power of the Internet although many would argue that a person needs a certain level of knowledge and expertise before they are able to master the Internet and its search engines effectively these people also agree that new software and computer technicians are slowly changing technological discourse in order to accommodate for people who may not be as technically inclined. Although it is generally agreed that the environment of cyberspace and the purpose of using the Internet is constantly changing to suit the needs of contemporary society gaining information about political parties and their policies still remains a top priority for Internet users especially those living in Western society. Bibliography Gross Grant 2005 Survey Internet can help people gain political power. banking service chronicle december 2020

banking service chronicle december 2020

 banking service chronicle december 2020

banking service chronicle december 2020 Published this article page no   While Prohibitions repeal came on December 5 1933 American brewers celebrate the end of that era with Brew Years Eve on April 7. It seems the countrys brewers were back in business on this earlier date when Americans enjoyed beer as their first legal drink in 12 years. Franklin Delano Roosevelts support for repeal helped him win the 1932 presidential election. Shortly after he took office he worked with Congress to amend the Prohibition law and make beer legal again. The first delivery of legal beer arrived at the White House on April 7 and Americans were able to enjoy beer throughout the year that was required to ratify the 21st Amendment. Roosevelts support for repeal was more than just populist electioneering. He knew that revitalization of the brewing industry would be good for the American economy. This continues to be true today with 1400 American brewers creating jobs paying taxes and contributing to community organizations and causes nationwide. Not so long ago Americans would have had to look hard to find an American brewery. In the 1970s fewer than 70 were in operation. But the craft brewing movement that has blossomed since 1980 has swelled the ranks of brewers putting small traditional and independent makers of beer in nearly every community in the country. As brewers celebrate Brew Years Eve this April 7 they commemorate not only the beverage but also the contributions brewers make to their communities. The Brewers Association the craft brewers trade group estimates that more than 20000 organizations receive donations or sponsorships from brewers every year. Supported groups range from police and firefighters to outdoor and environmental organizations to neighborhood theater and art programs and medical research causes. banking service chronicle december 2020

banking services chronicle pdf

 banking services chronicle pdf 

bankingservices chronicle pdf Published this article page no   Izetbegovic the late nominal president of the nominal Bosnian state the darling of the gullible western media denied that he and his cronies and his cronies cronies stole 40% of all civilian aid targeted at Bosnia  a minor matter of 1 billion US dollars and change in less than 4 years. The tribes of the Balkans stop bleeding each other to death only when they gang up to bleed another. In this there are no races and no traces  everyone is equal under the sign of the dollar. Serbs Bosnians and Croats divided the loot with the loftiest of egalitarian instincts. Honour among thieves transformed into honour among victims and their murderers. Mammon is the only real authority in this god forsaken writhing rump of a country. And not only there. In Russia billions 3 to 5 were transferred to secret off shore bank accounts to be portfolio managed by mysterious flybynight entities. Many paid with their jobs when the trail led to the incestuous Yeltsin clan and their byzantine court. Convoys snake across the mountainous Kosovo bringing smuggled goods at exorbitant prices to the inhabitants of this parched territory  all under the avuncular gaze of multinational peacekeepers. In Romania Hungary and Greece UN forces have been known to take bribes to allow goods into besieged Serbia. Oil weapons and strategic materials all slid across this greasy channel of the international brotherhood of cash. A lot of the aid ostensibly intended to ameliorate the state of refugedom imposed upon the unsuspecting harried population of Kosovo  resurfaced in markets white and black across the region. Food blankets tents electrical equipment even toys  were on offer in bazaars from Skopje to Podgorica and from Sofia to Thessaloniki replete with the stamps of the unwitting donors. Aid workers scurried back and forth in expensive utility vehicles buzzing mobile phones in hand and latest model officially purchased infrared laptops humming in the air conditioned coolness of their five star hotel rooms or fancy apartments. In their back pockets they safeguarded their first class tickets the food is better and the stewardesses .... The scavengers of every carnage they descended upon this tortured land in redundant hordes feeding off the misery the autoimmune deficiency of the syndrome of humanism. Ask yourselves how could one of every 3 dollars  50% of GNP  be stolen in a country the size of a tiny American state  without the knowledge and collaboration of the international organizations which ostensibly manage this bedlam Why did the IMF renew the credit lines to a Russia which cheated boldfacely regarding its foreign exchange reserves How was Serbia awash and flush with oil and other goods prohibited under the terms of the neverending series of embargoes imposed upon it The answer is that potent cocktail of fear and graft. First came fear  that Russia will collapse that the Balkans will spill over that Bosnia will disintegrate. Nuclear nightmares intermingled with Armenian and Jewish flashbacks of genocide. The west shut its eyes tight and threw money at the bad spirits of irredentism and reemergent communism. The long arm of the USA the international financial institutions collaborated in constructing the habit forming dole house that Eastern and Southern Europe has become. This conflictreticence these approachavoidance cycles led to an inevitable collusion between the ruling mob families that pass for regimes in these parts of the planet  and the unilateral institutions that pass for multilateral ones in the rest of it. An elaborate system of winks and nods the sign language of institutional rot and decaying governance took over. Greasy palms clapped one another with the eerie silence of conspiracy. The world looked away as both  international financial institutions and corrupt regimes  robbed their constituencies blind. This was perceived to be the inevitable moral cost of stability. Survival of the majority entailed the filthy enrichment of the minority. And the west acquiesced. But this grand design backfired. Like insidious bacteria corruption breeds violence and hops from host to host. It does not discriminate this plague of black conscience between east and west. As it infected the indigenous it also effected their guardians. They were all engulfed by raging greed by a degradation of the inhibitions and by the intoxicating promiscuity of lawlessness. Inebriated by their newly found powers little ceasars  natives and financial colonialists  claimed their little plots of crime and avarice a not so secret order of disintegration of the social fabric. A ghoulish landscape shrouded in the opaque mist of the nomenclature the camaraderie of the omnipotent. And corruption bred violence. The Chicago model imported lock stock and the barrel of the gun. Former cronies disappeared mysteriously bloated corpses in stale hotel rooms  being the only contracts honoured. Territories were carved up in constant unrelenting warfare. One billion dollars are worth a lot of blood and it was spilled with glee with the enthusiasm of the inevitable with the elation of gambling all on a single spin of the Russian roulette. It is this very violence that the west tried to drown with its credits. But unbeknownst to it this very violence thrived on these pecuniary fertilizers. A plant of horrors it devoured its soil and its cultivators alike. And 120000 people paid with their lives for this wrong gamble. Counting its losses the west is poised to spin the wheel again. More money is amassed the dies are cast and more people cast to die. bankingservices chronicle pdf

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf subscribe now

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf subscribe now

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf subscribe now Published this article page no  If you are having a Halloween party this year you might want some other dessert besides fun sized candy bars. A Halloween cake makes a great dessert and can also be a fun centerpiece on your dinner table while the meal is being served. Here are two creative Halloween cakes that you can try on your own. Dont feel pressured to limit yourselves to these – you can always create your own Halloween dessert masterpieces. The Happy Pumpkin You can easily turn your everyday cake mix into a pumpkin creation with the help of bunt pans and decorative icing. Take 3 boxes of your favorite white or yellow cake mix and mix according to package decorations. Pour the batter into two bunt pans and bake according to package decorations. Allow the cakes to cool completely and remove from the pan. While you are waiting for the cakes to cool empty three cans of vanilla frosting into a mixing bowl. If you are pretty practiced with cake decorating 2 may be enough but three cans will allow extra to work out unevenness and fingerprints. Add red and yellow food coloring to the frosting stirring until the frosting becomes the desired orange color for your pumpkin. Frost the flat side of the bunt cakes and then stack on top of each other to create your pumpkin shape. Then continue to frost the sides of the cake until you have an orange pumpkin. If you would like to turn your pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern simply use some black icing to draw your eyes nose and a mouth. You can also consider decorating a small cupcake with brown or green icing to create a stem. If you are very practiced in cake decorating consider some pumpkin vines down the sides and back. Your company is sure to be impressed. The Creepy Spiderweb If you want something a little spookier for your Halloween party consider a creepy spider web cake. A little frosting and a chocolate muffin can help you make this creepy cake. Take one box of your favorite chocolate cake mix and mix it according to the package decorations. Bake in two round pans and allow to cool completely. While the cakes are cooling scoop 2 cans of vanilla frosting into a large mixing bowl. Combine yellow and blue food coloring (or yellow and green) until you come up with a spooky green color. Spread a layer between the two cakes and the cover the rest of the cake with frosting. Draw a spiderweb on the top of the cake using black icing. You can start by drawing lines straight across as though the cake was a clock – from12 to 6 1 to 7 2 to 8 etc. Then starting at the center of the cake draw larger circles working their way outwards until the web is complete. Take a chocolate muffin or cupcake and cut of the “stem so you are left with the top. Frost the entire thing with chocolate frosting and then roll in chocolate sprinkles. Set onto the “web and attach small pieces of black string licorice to be the legs. If you would like to get even more creative you can extend your web down the sides of the cake and draw on bugs using different colored icing. With a few cake decorating skills and some creativity you too can create spooky Halloween desserts. banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf subscribe now

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf 

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf  Published this article page no  Philanthropist Ellie Guettler of Atlanta recently wrote a $500 check to help Heifer International fight hunger. Her gift provided two milking water buffaloes for an impoverished family. What is unusual about that? Ellie is only 5 years old. Ellie is not alone. Children are responsible for contributing more than $1 million a year to Heifer International which has been providing cows goats chickens sheep and other animals to families in 50 countries around the world for more than 60 years. These animals allow the families to have milk eggs wool honey and many other benefits. Ellies parents say they want to teach her the habit of sharing by contributing to Heifer because it is a simple concrete way of helping to end world hunger. "We want Ellie to do a service project every year as her birthday gift back to the world. She picked Heifer since we live in the city and she cant have farm animals of her own" said Katrina Guettler Ellies mother. "So she sent a birthday letter to all our neighbors and friends asking them to save their change." Ellie collected $660 in quarters nickels dimes and pennies. As a thank-you gift for their contribution she gave each person a handmade candle. "We both learned that people are generous and want to make a difference but sometimes they dont know how or they need motivation" Guettler said. "She also learned that a little bit of change which we take for granted can collectively make a big difference for someone with less opportunity." Ellie likes to read the bestselling picture book "Beatrices Goat" by Page McBrier that tells how a goat from Heifer International changed the life of a young girl in Uganda and she knows the story by heart. "I feel bad that so many kids dont have food and cant go to school so I hope that if I help a Heifer project they can have food and go to school like Beatrice" says Ellie. Children can participate in raising funds for Heifer International by reading books making and selling bookmarks hosting bake sales or making donation cans with pictures of animals from Heifers holiday catalog to help collect money toward the purchase of gift animals. They can also see farm animals and learn about solutions to world hunger on visits to Heifers three hunger education centers in Arkansas Massachusetts and California.