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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Grihshobha hindi

Grihshobha hindi 

Grihshobha hindi Published this article page no  40   But why do Muslim clerics so seldom speak out about all the violent activities perpetrated in the name of Islam? Peace-Loving Muslim: Some do, but I agree, they should be more out there. But you must understand that, since they are peace-loving, they might never shout as loud as Muslims – and I I even hesitate to call the most violent ones by the term Muslims – who arent. If youll notice, crazy people generally scream, while peaceful people are more like to carry on a conversation, like this one. NewsLaugh: Yes, of course. But do you think some of them quietly suspect that the monsters perpetrating these crimes are on the side of Allah? Peace-Loving Muslim: I hope not. I cant imagine a truly religious person seeing Allah as being on the side of murder. But, of course, you have to allow for all possibilities. My own Muslim cleric is a very peaceful fellow who thinks that Osama and his cronies are madmen who are damaging our religion inexcusably. NewsLaugh: Bless his insightful butt. Peace-Loving Muslim: Ill let him know you said that. NewsLaugh: Where were you born? Peace-Loving Muslim: Pakistan. NewsLaugh: Oh, where Osama Bin Laden is supposedly hiding out. Peace-Loving Muslim: I prefer to think of it as the country where President Mushararf is doing everything he can to help the US catch him. NewsLaugh: Good point. Youre an engineer? Peace-Loving Muslim: Yes, I am. NewsLaugh: I suppose that means youve read a number of books besides the Koran. How did you manage to pull that splendid achievement off? Peace-Loving Muslim: Well, I felt Allah gave me a brain, so He wanted me to use it. I was always good at math. Theres not a lot of math in the Koran. So I guess it didnt interest Mohammad much. But even an elemental look at nature reveals that Allah works with math in ways that are so sophisticated everything happens in perfectly natural ways. The math never gets in the way; it accommodates all events, like the perfectly natural movement of waves. We should only know as much about math as Allah. NewsLaugh: Well, to tell you the truth, theres not that much math in any religious book I can think of. But thats another interview. How did you become peace-loving? Reading the papers and watching the news, one gets the idea that Muslims, in general, are all a pretty violent and backward lot. Peace-Loving Muslim: A lot are, I admit it Grihshobha hindi magazine subscription buy.


Grihshobha hindi 

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