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competition wizard magazine

Thursday, July 28, 2022

knowledge quest monthly magazine

knowledge quest monthly magazine

knowledge quest monthly magazine published this article 41 demand for abolishing the concurrent list why in news? the cm of telangana has pitched for more autonomy to the states suggesting that the concurrent list be done away with. historical underpinningstime and again centrestate relations come under scanner due to rising demands from various corners of the country for more power devolution in favor of states.the indian governance system though federal in nature has strong central tendencies which born out of a mix causes i.e. the inertia to stay within the guidelines set by the government of india act of 1935 fear of cessation etc. centralization of power vis a vis concurrent listsince 1950 the seventh schedule of the constitution has seen a number of amendments. the union list and concurrent list have grown while subjects under the state list have gradually reduced knowledge quest monthly magazine buy.

knowledge quest monthly magazine

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