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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine This article was published in September Other contributions by Sri Adi Shankaracharya Sects and Traditions ShanmataShanmata i.e. six religions is a synthesis of six sub-sects. o Each of these sub-sects worship one of the six supreme deities i.e. Shiva Vishnu Shakti Ganesha Surya and Skanda (Kumara)- who are part of one divine power.Shanmata merges them and its followers are known as Smartas (or the Smarta tradition) i.e. those who follow Smriti (or dharma shastras). Dashanami SampradayaIt is a monastic tradition of Hinduism founded by Adi Shankara for living a monastic life. It organizes monks under 10 different titles. Religious textsHe wrote commentaries on religious texts such as Brahma Sutras Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. E.g. Brahmasutrabhasya is the oldest surviving commentary on Brahma Sutra.He wrote Upadesasahasri i.e. a thousand teachings- a comprehensive description of his philosophy of advaita (non-dualism) shine india monthly magazine telugu buy.

shine india monthly magazine

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