competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no 2 some sources say its to differentiate it from the socialist labor day on may 1st a date that later became may day and others indicate that it was chosen because it is halfway between independence day and thanksgiving. regardless of which version you accept as truth it is still important to know that labor day is not just a holiday to celebrate the unofficial end of summer nor is its purpose to signify the beginning of autumn and a return to school for our children. the historical significance lies in the fact that upon its inception 40 percent of the workforce worked under a labor union and the holiday was set aside to honor those workers. currently about 14 percent of the workforce belongs to a labor union. although it still holds significance for those older workers and retirees who belong to the labor unions for most labor day means the unofficial end of summer and a day off from school. sadly labor day has taken the same road as memorial day and is only recognized as important by those who lived in the era that caused its creation. in future generations the children will not even know its significance unless we teach them now. let us not forget the significance of labor day and teach our children the struggles their forefathers endured in order to allow the labor force to become one where the average person can earn a decent wage without working 16-20 hours a day six days a week Meri saheli magazine price.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no 1 of all the things our teachers teach our children they do not often touch on the idea of labor day history for kids. how much do our children know about this important holiday? if anything they only know that it is a holiday for workers but that is the extent of it in most cases. the designation of labor day as a national holiday prior to the turn of the 20th century is historical enough for our children to know about the history of the holiday and not just that it is a holiday for working class americans and canadians. it is an important part of their heritage as americans to know that the celebration began in 1882 in new york for those working under labor unions. from its conception in 1882 to its later designation into a national holiday in a bill signed by president grover cleveland it has become an important part of our history. some confusion may exist concerning the adoption of the first monday in september as the official labor day celebration Meri saheli magazine price.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Master in current affairs English

 Master in current affairs English

Master in current affairs English published by Mahendra Guru published this article page no  33 at first i thought it might have been a reflection from a vinery in guernsey but that would have disappeared quickly. this was clearly visual for about nine minutes. as i got closer to it it became clear to me that it was tangible. i was in two minds about going towards it to have a closer look but decided against it because of the size of it. i had to think of the safety of the passengers first. im certainly not saying that it was something of another world. all im saying is that i have never seen anything like it before in all my years of flying. bowyer reported the incident to paul kelly 31 an air traffic controller on duty. kelly indicated that nothing appeared on his radar. however atc paul kelly received a similar report from a blue islands pilot en route to jersey at the same time. kelly explained that as the pilot went past sark he described an object behind him to his left. kelly continued the description was very similar to captain bowyers and they described it as being in exactly the same place. but they were looking at it from opposite sides mahendra current affairs.

 Master in current affairs English

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 12 the end result is that all of new zealands giant flightless birds are currently on display at several fine natural history museums around the world. but whats that to do with snails? enter potamopyrgus antipodarum the new zealand mud snail. these tiny aquatic freshwater mollusks are migrating out of new zealand not into it but their impact on an ecosystem they had no previous place in could have similar repercussions for native species. carried by us world-trotting humans these critters made their north american debut in the 1980s in the snake river and have been drifting west ever since bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 11 its a bit complicated but bear with me. in something like the year 1500 c. e. the polynesian ancestors of the maori peoples arrived in what is known today as new zealand. they were a brand new species to the islands with no previous place in the ecosystem. as a result the local prey species most notably the enormous native birds called moa had no natural defenses against them. moa were not only flightless they were completely wingless. their only natural predator on the island was a 30-pound eagle (also later hunted to extinction by the proto-maori) so the werent that fast on their feet since theres not much point in running from an 80-mph flying killing machine. their only defense against ground-based predation was their great size which humans have traditionally not given much of a damn about (island peoples can hunt whales in wooden canoes over-grown chickens are hardly scary to them bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 10 currently that figure is approximately 14 percent. as a result labor day is celebrated more as the unofficial way to end the summer than as a labor union holiday. just about all schools as well as businesses (including the us government) close on labor day to allow people to have one more barbeque before it begins to turn cold. it used to be symbolic also as the beginning of a new school year but with many schools returning the middle or end of august the day has lost its significance in that respect though it is still a closed holiday for schools. what you may well ask do 13 foot-tall new zealand birds that have been extinct for 500 years and modern wyoming trout species have in common? and what you may also ask since youre in the asking mood do snails have to do with any of it? well the answer is quite a lot really banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

Banking service chronicle

Saturday, August 28, 2021

General science biology

 General science biology 

General science biology published this article page no 37 the inca trail to machu picchu.  the capaq nan trail is the most popular inca trail of all as it leads to the village of ollantaytambo and  machu picchu the lost city of the incas. there are also many well-preserved ruins along the way and that along with passing through the andes mountain range and parts of the amazonian rainforests makes the whole experience very magical. you will encounter the sun gate and entrance to machu picchu your reward after your amazing journey.  the inca empire reached its height around 1450 when machu picchu was built. story has it  that  under the spanish  conquest  the empire collapsed and  machu picchu was abandoned less than 100 years later. the spanish did not manage to locate machu picchu and because the jungle reclaimed itself it was preserved as were many other inca sites. only a very few knew of its existence and the empire was returned  to the worlds imagination in 1911 by the yale historian and explorer hiram general science biology syllabus.

 General science biology 

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 5 with the ground rushing up at around 95mph he held the glider on course they hit the ground and caught the first of the wire defences.  jim wallwork shouted stream and john ainsworth released the arrester parachute it lifted the tail forced the nose into the ground tore off the wheels and bounced the glider back into the air.  the arrester parachute did its job and they hit the ground again this time on the skids.  jim wallwork shouted jettison and john ainsworth pressed the button to release the parachute now travelling at about 60mph the glider threw up hundreds of friction sparks from the skids as they passed over rocks.  seeing these sparks through the open door maj howard thought that they had been spotted and were being fired upon junior science refresher magazine.

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 3 when maj howard got in the glider the door was closed and on schedule they started to move down the runway.  at 22.56 hrs lady irene was airborne and d coy 2 obli was on their way into history the six halifax bombers from 298 squadron raf took-off with the accompanying horsa gliders in tow and crossed the english channel flying at an altitude of 7000 ft.  all around them were heavy bombers going to drop bombs on german positions in the invasion area caen or other selected targets.  with all of this air activity the german anti-aircraft and searchlight crews failed to notice the gliders at the appointed time the halifax bomber released the first glider to begin its run into the target.  in the glider s/sgt wallwork checked their altitude and the compass whilst s/sgt john ainsworth checked his stopwatch.  at the appointed mark they turned to starboard and halfway down the crosswind leg of their approach s/sgt wallwork saw it he could make out the river the canal and both bridges.  with visibility good and the target in sight he dropped the gliders nose and made for the lz junior science refresher magazine

 Junior Science Refresher

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium published this article page no 26 some of these huge carved stone heads have been found up to 100km away from the source of stone leaving researchers still wondering exactly how they managed to transport such massive pieces those distances though the most likeliest explanation must be that they floated them on barges down the extensive network of rivers. work & play. rubber was first exloited by the olmecs and various carvings show ball games where the ball could be deflected off elbows hips knees and head though using the hands was considered an illegal move. initially the olmecs in the swampy tropical heartland lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle later spreading to outlying areas and developing agriculture and distinct political & economic hierarchies as wealth and commerce with outside people grew. religion olmec religion featured mainly worship of the jaguar and werejaguars (children with jaguar features) though snake worship was popular too shine india monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazineenglish medium published this article page no 27 they believed that the jaguar was very closely associated with a persons spirit and that should the jaguar die the person would also die. in common with all religions to maintain their position in society the olmec ruling elite needed to make the people believe either that they were gods or that they were associated with the gods (gods of fire water earth & sun were the popular deities). their religion symbolic language and archtictural systems seemed strong & popular enough to have lasted through to the zapotecs teotihuacans and mayan peoples until everything changed with the spanish conquests of hernandez cortez and spanish influence. that of the catholic church being especially instrumental in destroying the old gods and bringing a new one that eventually spread throughout the whole of south america. some might argue that catholicism brought about changes for good and others point to the great poverty of the majority of predominantly catholic south america. whatever your opinions i will just leave you with this thought- religion is regarded by the common people as true by the wise as false and by rulers as convenient. seneca the younger shineindia monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazineenglish medium published this article page no 28 it was on january 1 1776 that the continental army was restructured and adjusted according to a congressional resolution which heralded american forces to the command of george washington. on that day the american continental army was blockading boston which had been taken over by the british army. it has been said that the first american flag was made in may of 1776 by betsy ross a philadelphia seamstress who was actually a friend of george washington and acquainted with other prominent and high-ranking philadelphians. ross suggested that the five-pointed star be used instead of the star with six points. this is because the five-pointed star can be cut off easily with a few trims of the scissors. it is also said that betsy ross was the one who made the flags for the pennsylvanian navy. however the first unofficial flag of america was called the grand union flag also known as the continental colors. it was raised at the order and command of general washington close to his headquarters outside boston january 1 1776 shine india monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium

Thursday, August 5, 2021

banking services chronicle july 2020 pdf

banking services chronicle july 2020 pdf

banking services chronicle july 2020 pdf  Published this article page no  Many people were hoping that if the Democrats won control of Congress they would reverse the online gambling ban but experts doubt they will even try or that if they do that the will be successful. Once the bill was passed and signed into law by the president it became much harder to reverse the law. The democrats would need to bring up the law and get it to a vote then after the vote passed it needs to go to the president for his signature. The problem with this is that the current president is the one who signed the bill into law in the first place. Another problem is because the gambling ban was attached to another bill it means that to reverse the law the entire bill needs to be reversed but the other part of the bill is for an increase in port security so any congressmen who recommends reversing this law will be going on record as trying to reverse the increase in port security. Because of this trying to get the law reversed could ruin a congressmans chances of ever getting elected to public office again for the rest of their lives. It is more likely that it will have to wait till the end of George Bushes term in office and then get an amendment to the law that reverses only gambling ban part of the law. So if you are on Online Gambling enthusiast and you were hoping that after the election the online gambling ban would just disappear I am sorry to say you were mistaken and that you are going to have to wait a little longer but that does not mean you need to sit quietly by. The key is to make sure that you are heard write letters to congressmen and attend protest rallies anything that will keep this issue in the front of the minds of the politicians so they know that just as the Republicans lost the house so can they. The republicans used the online gambling ban to try to gain votes for them in the last weeks before the election but it backfired on them and lost them more votes then it brought in. Hopefully the Democrats will learn from the mistakes of the Republicans and will understand that banning something never works and that it is only thru regulating the online gambling industry that will ensure that it is safe and honest to play and that no underage children manage to play. Other wise I am sure that the Democrats will also see the wrath of the American voters when it comes time for the next elections. The American people are tired of having the government controlling every aspect of their lives and I think this election may have made their point for them. So if the question is will they try to reverse the law I am sure they will try but how successful they will be is still up in the air and no one can really know what the outcome will be. banking services chronicle july 2020 pdf

banking services chronicle july 2020 pdf

banking services chronicle june 2020

 banking services chronicle june 2020

banking services chronicle june 2020  Published this article page no  Loving and living together make a wonderful life. If a couple is in deep love with each other and loyal with the commitment of staying together till death it will be a beautiful life. After all we want relationships that survive. We want relationships that help us grow in life fight the odds and enjoy life. Is this possible? The trend is to separate if there is any mismatch. How is it possible to find a partner with whom one can blissfully spend life together forever? To have such a blessed life the first need is of caring for each other. When we genuinely care for the other person we forgive a lot we tolerate a lot and we adjust everything. The central reason is care. I care for my spouse. I love him/her and I know about all the habits that I hate and everything that is not very lovable. But my love and care looks away from all this and looks towards only one thing- care. Does a mother ever think of separating from her child? No- because she cares. And equally or rather more importantly she can never imagine doing this. Can you think of your partner in the same way? In the journey of life you will come across many persons of opposite sex who will look much better suited than your partner. Will you entertain that possibility of leaving your partner? If you decide not to you can overcome all such temptations. Expectations also play a big role in a relationship. We expect and when we dont get we are disappointed. We may get angry and if the anger persists separation results. The best way is to spell out all your expectations. Point out whenever you feel they are not being met and try to ignore as many situations as you can when your expectations are not being met. Sounds complicated? It is rather simple. As you expect your partner also expects. You may think of yourself as a perfect human being but you are not. So the mistakes will occur on both the sides. What should be done? First ignore and if not possible point out and if still not changed bear and forgive. But decide to live together because you care. Genuine love can beat all the obstacles on its path. If both of you are in genuine love that binds you together nothing can ever separate you. If you are in deep and genuine love decide to overcome all the obstacles on the way and you will be able to do that easily. banking services chronicle june 2020

 banking services chronicle june 2020

banking services chronicle jan 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle jan 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle jan 2021 pdf  Published this article page no  It has long been argued that men and women differ greatly when it comes to shopping but how are they really distinct? The first major difference is that most women actually look forward to holiday shopping 60% while only 42% of men do. However this does not mean women are the only ones shopping. Also women relate more to Santa Claus than men while men relate more to the Grinch. Everyone hates long lines at the mall but men seem to be turning more toward online shopping to lessen the hassle. Interestingly enough while women will do more shopping online men will actually be spending more money. Men spend an average of $326 online while women will only spend $284 a difference of 15%. Men also plan to spend $592 this holiday season with women only spending $547. Men are also more likely to buy large ticket items when compared to women not only for gifts but for personal use as well. There are also other differences in what each sex is actually buying online and in the stores. Men buy more consumer electronics 27% compared to women at 19%. So it is mostly men buying gadgets like digital cameras video games or camcorders. However women are more likely to purchase clothing than men 77% to 70% and books 49% to 36%. While men buying consumer electronics was probably no surprise women buying more decorations is probably not either 34% of women compared to only 18% of men. Apparently women are doing a little more decorating than men. Women also typically get a jump start on holiday shopping while men usually wait until December. Only 19% of women wait until December to shop as compared to 32 % of men. Sixty-five percent of women usually plan to start holiday shopping before Thanksgiving while only 49% of men do. There are also a larger number of men that wait until the last week before Christmas to buy gifts as compared to women. Another significant difference between men and women is how they react to shopping budgets. More women 21% are concerned about going over their spending budgets on holiday gifts while only 16% of men share that concern. There are also the typical stereotypes that have proven to be true. Men usually shop with a specific purchase in mind. However women will spend more time looking around and pondering purchase decisions. Also more men are at a loss when it comes to holiday shopping with 17% feeling frustrated as compared to 8% of women and confused about gift giving 8% compared to 3%. A larger number of men are also likely to leave all of the holiday shopping to their spouse as compared to women. banking services chronicle jan 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle jan 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf

  banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf 

banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf  Published this article page no  Some of the characteristics and virtues of mustika-pearls are intensely curious and interesting. Below we present just a few of these  The pearl from the dugong (called "Ikan-duyung" in Indonesian) for instance floats in salt water but sinks in fresh water this and the crystallized pearl from its tear are good for love-spells. The otter-pearl attracts lots of fishes during fishing trips the fossilized egg of a crocodile increases ones sexual prowess the dew-pearl beautifies ones aura--the smaller sizes of these pearls when moisten with ones finger coheres to it as it is dragged across a smooth surface the golden carp and bamboo (symbols of wealth business advantage and longevity in Chinese lore) -pearls attracts lots of luck and increases prosperity the centipede pearl helps one to choose the right numbers during gambling the owl-pearl helps to improve ones psychic senses the Galih Kelor seed-pearl wards-off negative energies in the form of black magick and psychic attack the boar-pearl makes one invulnerable to sharp weapons. Almost all of the pearls have unusual powers and virtues. If one finds an object embedded in a pearl it usually has extra virtues. Generally speaking the higher nature power abilities virtues of animals/plants are to be found in the pearls. Mustika-pearls unlike ordinary gem stones and crystals possesses the combined spiritual blueprints matrixes and forces of the spirit-animal-mineral or the spirit-plant-mineral kingdoms. Most mustika-pearl enthusiasts are amazed at the size and diversity of the pearls. Take for instance the centipede pearl these sometimes measures 1 cm or more in diameter. The size itself could cause some skeptism as we normally think of centipedes as small creatures yet in the jungles of Sumatra they may grow to be as long as a meter in length! The quality and type of centipede pearls differ depending on which region they come from. A centipede may also produce four sorts of pearls--one on its head this is called the "crown." Another may be found in its stomach smaller types are to be found among its whiskers and the most valuable and scarce of them all the pearl to be found in its mouth--this one is said to glow in the dark and gives one the power of etheric vision. Most mustika-pearls are of a crystalline nature and are closely related to the etheric world perhaps much more than any of the common substances that we normally come across in our daily lives. Each pearl carries the vibrational essence of the Spirit Intelligence in charge of the evolution of the consciousness and form of the animal/plant species allocated to it. Unlike consuming animal meat and substances close and regular contact with animal and plant pearls have a healing effect upon our body and psyche and raises our energy-frequency aiding us to transit into a higher consciousness-level awakening our spiritual senses. Most owners of magickal pearls only look to their physical effect--the true value of a mustika lies in what it can do for ones spiritual evolution. In alchemy the practitioner would seek ways to transmute base metals into gold and to acquire the philosophers stone and the stone of various substances. Nature the great alchemist produces animal and plant stones in her laboratory under the appropriate conditions known at present only to Her we are blessed that these stones are available for healing some of the psychological and physical ills that we constantly suffer. Mustikas are Natures products and come in all sorts of shapes and sizes as alluded to before. Mustikas of the same animal or plant-life may differ in form color size etc. The shape is sometimes given by the lapidary though normally the original outline is closely followed in the tumbling and polishing process. The point is that the genuineness of a mustika cannot be judged by its appearance alone--but by occult detection. Nevertheless mustikas do possess high vibrational qualities that most low-caliber psychics toxicated with egoic-debris are unable to detect. Not sensing these they may pronounce a magickal pearl to be a fake. Mustikas in their original state have a rough texture and requires tumbling and polishing to bring out their true beauty. Lapidaries are often surprised with these mustikas. One fellow commented the strangeness of these pearls--normally tumbling and polishing ten ordinary stones gives him no aching problem. But just polishing one of these mustikas makes his arm ache all over--and yet they are probably no harder than the average agate stone--some are even brittle. Not knowing the origin of these pearls he then suggested that they must be enchanted. Indeed! A further shock was when he discovered that one of them changed color when it was immersed in water. This is quite interesting as most magickal pearls do have unusual physical characteristics. Choosing a mustika for ones personal use may require careful thought. It should be noted that the consciousness of God pervades all of Nature and in each creature we have the dynamic Divine Intelligence expressing in a certain way with certain virtues. Thus the spiritual attribute that we wish to develop may be a factor in ones choice of an animal or a plant mustika-pearl. Studying Nature--animal psychology behavioral-patterns and instincts or the Doctrine of Signatures of the plant kingdom and the symbolism of both would be a rewarding venture for those intending to acquire mustika-pearls for personal use. If one has no actual purpose in mind or preference one should choose a pearl that coincides closely with ones Totem-animal or the animal that harmonizes well with ones Chinese zodiacal sign. Ones Totem-animal may be known by careful introspection by sensing a special affinity with an animal or feeling the animal that one resonates well with. Totem animals may also be known through constant dreams of the animal through meditation/intuition by ones childhood obsession or longing for the animal as a pet of the psychological identification with the animal itself or by the animal that one is most attracted to or fears most by constant pictorial or concrete imagery forms of the animal arising in some manner etc. If one often dream of tigers and as a child found joy in fantasizing about the animal this may indicate that the creature is ones Totem-animal. Sometimes the knowledge of ones Power or Totem animal is acquired during a crisis--during a physical encounter with the animal for instance or during unusual circumstances the knowledge is brought to the awareness. Knowledge of ones Totem animal may be acquired through a "VisionQuest." In Native American-Indian society this VisionQuest is mandatory as part of the rite of passage presented to the young. This quest entails fasting and seclusion in nakedness in a sweatlodge where a vision of a Totem-animal is unexpectedly presented by the Great Spirit to the consciousness of the child undergoing it. Tokens of the animal may be discovered subsequent to the vision in the surrounding area. This quest may be undergone by anyone willing to acquire the vision after due preparation. The Totem animals are the projection of the elements of ones inner consciousness representing the area or quality in ones spirituality that requires balancing harmonizing or developing. Carrying a mustika-pearl of the animal in question serves as an aid in attuning with the Spirit-Guardian/Intelligences of the animal and helping us to administer to our soul-need and harmonize the imbalances in the psyche. It also helps to transfer the great wisdom or skill that each animal possess to our inner being. Choosing a mustika-pearl based on ones Chinese sign is also a good method for determining what pearl would be best for one. Naturally this method and the one above does not apply to plant-pearls. These latter can be worn by anyone with great benefit. The Chinese Zodiacal signs are grouped into four  Chinese Zodiacal Animals Pig Rabbit Goat Rat Monkey Dragon Cow Chicken Snake Tiger Dog Horse If you happen to be a Goat one suitable pearl would be the Pig (Wild Boar) or Rabbit. If you are a Rat the pearl that would best complement you is the Monkey-pearl or the Dragon- (dragon-snake) pearl. Substitutes may be used if a pearl from the exact creature is unavailable. For instance the pig-pearl may be substituted by the wild-boar pearl the ape or gorilla for the monkey the dragon-snake for the dragon the wild-dog or wolf for the dog. One might also choose a mustika-pearl on the basis of its color as related to a chakra. A pearl with the associated color of a chakra vibrationally enhances the chakra and its psychological expression while aiding in removing any pathological elements related to it. Another possible alternative of choosing a magickal pearl is the element-color method. Whatever element one lacks in his astrological nature may be complemented with a mustika of the appropriate color. If a person has an abundance of water in his psychological make-up he may choose a color other than blue as blue represents water. Following are the colors and the elements as given by one system of correspondence  Red--Fire Blue--Water Green--Earth Yellow--Air. Mustika pearls of plants and animals may be chosen for their value in occult workings and rites. Every mustika-pearl has its mystical virtues that may be tapped and appropriated for the purposes of the Magickal Operator. The occult practitioner would study the attributes of the animal or plant in order to know which is especially required for certain magickal operations. If one has absolutely no idea what mustika-pearl would be best for ones general well-being health spiritual development and prosperity one could submit the question to a shaman who is attuned to the Intelligences of Nature. The shaman would choose that which is appropriate for ones present evolutionary development keeping in mind the subjects well-being in both spiritual and mundane matters. It is also possible to acquire the necessary information from ones Higher Self ones Inner Guide. Once having obtained a mustika one might wonder what can be done with it or how to harness the power that it possesses. Whatever virtues a mustika possesses would be transferred to us by simply carrying or wearing it for some time. The effects of the mustika may be perceived after several weeks or so depending on the virtue sought. Greater powers such as invulnerability against sharp weapons as that given by the wild boar pearl may take a greater period of constant proximity with the pearl before it may show some effects. The time factor may be quickened by following certain disciplines such as constant attunement-sessions with the elemental spirit/pearl and drinking/showering with the water or elixir of the pearl. These elixirs or enchanted water/oil carry no physical properties of the pearls but they do carry the vibrational quality and essences of the spiritual aspect of the animals or plants from which they have been derived. Steeping pearls in a glass of water for half an hour empowers the water with its energies. Steeping it for several hours under sun or moonlight would imbue the water with a greater amount of the pearls vibratory energies and essences abundant life-force of a plant/animal mustika-pearl are channeled into the water. The spiritual blue-print in the pearl containing information of the animal/plant are also infused into the water. This is a supplemental nutrient for the various psychic components within man. Whatever force is embued in the water by the steeping process is transferred to ones physical and subtle bodies impelling them to resonate at higher frequencies where diseases of mind body and soul are non-existent and cannot exist. The enchanted pearl-water has a deep impact upon the nervous and blood-system. Generally plant pearls affect more of the physical and etheric bodies while animal pearls the astral and spiritual side of man. Drinking mustika-pearl water assists in ones reintegration with the Cosmic Intelligence this cannot help but improve ones sense of oneness and harmony with all of Nature. This has a tremendous psychological import in ones approach to life transmuting negativity into positivity. Mixing the pearl-waters of various mustikas is permissible. Once having studied the powers virtues and healing properties of each pearl a blend may be made of the waters to achieve a specific result. Constant attunements with the pearls helps to intuitively know their powers. Mustika-pearl water should be made in a tranquil environment.When drunk the water acts as a tonic effect to the body healing physical ailments psychological problems balancing the chakral energies and promoting spiritual awareness and growth. Pearl-elixirs using an alcohol-base may also be made. Nowadays in the New-Age market gem crystal and flower elixirs may be easily acquired. There is no company as yet however producing mustika elixirs. When properly made these mustika-elixirs would possess more power and have a greater effect than the ordinary ones produced from gem stones and crystals. That mustika-pearl water possesses healing virtues many people including ourselves have personally determined to be true. It would be superfluous and unnecessary to relate case histories one would have to experience this for oneself. Aside from its consumption mustika-pearl elixirs and water--and even oil--may also be anointed or massaged into the body. The pearl-fluid may be applied to the various points or chakral vortices along the main and secondary channels of the subtle body where the energy-flow is blocked . Its application helps to break up the psychic toxins embedded in the channels. Pearl water elixir or oil may also be placed in a room and left alone for its evaporation. The vibratory essence of the pearl would transmute negative energies in the surrounding area and harmonize the psychological condition of the people moving and living within its influential reach. Some practitioners believe that the consumption of pearl-water is insufficient to tap the power of a pearl that a password is required to command the indwelling spirit. There is some truth in this but the password is just a gimmick created by occult practitioners hoping to excite the interest of pearl-owners and increase their clientele. What is actually required is a simple psychic-attunement with the elemental spirit--by calling its name (if known) absorbing its energies by holding the pearl and explaining to it the purpose of steeping the pearl in a glass of water. This communication with the pearl-intelligence may be formulated into an affirmation or decree--they should be specific so that the elemental-intelligence knows the healing or work that is to be conducted. Mustika-pearls should be handled with great care as some of them are fragile. They should also be anointed often with aromatic oil such as sandalwood or zafarron. banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf

  banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf 

general knowledge refresher magazine

 general knowledge refresher magazine 

general knowledge refresher magazine  Published this article :  The United States constitution was designed to provide equal protection under the law. However from some of the recent stories which have been publicized it is apparent that the law lacks consistency. Consistency in the law would ultimately mean that for every particular crime of which one is convicted they should receive the same punishment. Our society has witnessed this inconsistency with capital punishment. Questions arise as to why certain people receive the death penalty and others just walk away with life in prison. So why the discrepancy in this course of action it is because before anyone is sent to death the governor of each respective state would have to sign that he agrees to have the death penalty carried on. It must not be surprising that some governors do not believe in this type of punishment inmates will however end up sitting on death row till they die. This can be a very long and daunting experience for the inmates whose fate is rarely unknown. I challenge the Justice system by asking is this social justice under the law? Does it mean that depending on where one commits a crime you get a better chance of not being sent to death? If so will it elucidate why certain states have reported higher rates of crime? It is imperative for the courts to come to a consensus as to what will bring consistency within the judicial system. As the adage goes what is good for the goose is good for the gander therefore what a convicted felon gets in Texas for murder should be the same in New York. The sovereignty of state courts in declaring certain statutes unconstitutional has been a major factor why each state can not have similar laws. It may be time for the United States Supreme Court to take a firm stance as to whether the country should follow other industrial nations in abolishing the death penalty or not. Even though their action may not bring contentment to each citizen it will give to the law what it is lacking consistency. There are a million reasons advocates of the death penalty will argue as to why it should not be abolished and in countering there are an equal number of reasons why it should be abolished. This text however is not debating about the controversy surrounding capital punishment. The law was designed to provide equal protection therefore that is what the judicial system should try to uphold. general knowledge refresher magazine

 general knowledge refresher magazine 

competition success review april 2020 pdf

competition success review april 2020 pdf

competition success review april 2020 pdf download  In the world today we are constantly faced with new world events. We hear about how terrorist bombings are going on all over the world about stocks going up and down and about crime offenders being reprimanded. These kinds of issues are important to all of us…it affects our economy our way of life and mostly our future. What goes on around us whether worldwide nationally or even just in our community is the topic of many conversations. You can be in your elevator at the office water cooler or your maybe even in your grocery store line-up people like to talk about whos being voted for what which football team to cheer on and what the weather is going to be like on the weekend. Being informed on these topics makes us part of the community. How can we stay up-to-date? There is always the radio.  There are several stations available on the radio that we can tune in to while commuting to work and running errands. Unfortunately many of these radio programs do not give you a full coverage. You are probably not commuting long enough to listen to the whole program and there are so many commercials! Then theres your 6 oclock news on the television. Lets face it…we are busy people. The children have after-school activities we have social events the dogs need to be walked gym dinner needs to be made then theres that thing called work. We no longer have the evenings free to ourselves to sit on the couch and watch the news. Your best option? Definitely a newspaper. With the newspaper you can choose what sections you want to read. You can skip the ads that do not interest you and it is very portable! You can take it with you to read at your leisure. You even get comics and puzzles to do in most newspapers! Subscribing to a newspaper offers the most convenience. With a newspaper subscription you can be assured that your newspaper arrives at your door and is ready to be read at YOUR liberty. You have the benefit of not having to tune in at any certain time you can put it down when you want if you are interrupted you can even cut sections out for memorabilia! competition success review april 2020 pdf download

competition success review april 2020 pdf

competition success review january 2021 pdf

competition success review january 2021 pdf

competition success review january 2021 pdf Published this article :  An old friend of the Tennessee Mountain Man who is now deceased once said when asked about taking opposing positions in the same court (different cases similar facts) in less than a month we be whoes... we know we be whoes. Then there was the old joke where a rich old timer met a doll at the bar and asked her if she would spend the night with him for a million dollars.  She smiled sweetly and answered yes.  After a few minutes he asked if she would stay the night for a half million dollars.  She sipped her drink and said maybe.  A couple more drinks and he asked how about a $1000.00?  Incensed she retorted what do you think I am a whore?.  To which he responded we have already answered that question.  We are now negotiating the price. But the political climate of the 2008 Presidential elections take the cake!  They remind me of an ex-wife (Ill let them ponder to which of the six I refer) and maybe Google. With the stock market on a wild swing from day to day and sometimes hour to hour the price the jackasses and elephants are negotiating now is our childrens and grandchildrens future.  Rather than biting the bullet and letting the economy and the market shake out the chaff both parties are busy bidding against each other in an effort to buy the presidency of the United States for the next four years. Remember this is not a shopping spree at Walmart.  You cant easily return an elected official for a refund. There is nothing to refund if you could.  Unlike Walmart the government has no money it earns no money.  When it purports to have money it is my money... it is your money. When the government prints money it doesnt have you and I and our children pick up the tab.  I am quiet sure if I went out for a fancy Friday night without inviting you but had the bill sent to you you would pop a cork.  Yet we sit quietly while those who are supposed to be representing all of us - spend wildly on some of us and send the rest of us the bill. Currently the United States debt has exceeded a whopping nine (9) trillion dollars and it is growing at about ten percent (10 %) a year before the outrageous bidding of professional politicians.  You may well pay eighteen percent (18 %) and more on your credit cards and your house payments may have double or even tripled but when was the last time you received ten percent (10 %) on your savings account? The politicians want to give you and me up to eight hundred dollars ($800.00) per person and up to sixteen hundred dollars ($1600.00) per couple.  Where did they get that kind of money?  Bill and Hillary were broke (in fact millions in debt) when they left the White House.  George W. Bush Nancy Pelosi Harry Reid and Ted Kennedy combined certainly dont have that amount of money.  Ah! But our bankers the Chinese do. Borrowing one percent of Americas GDP from China for a short term economic shot in the arm is simply not worth the cost.  It is rather comparable to going to the doctor with a severe infectious STD and receiving a shot of antibiotics without a follow up protocol of say a prescription for antibiotics to complete the treatment and give the recovery process a chance to succeed. While the Computer Man endorses no one for this single most important political position in the free world it is worth noting that the non candidate New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has made the most sensible (not that politics can be sensible) suggestion so far. It may be somewhat reminiscent of the WPA of 1939 but instead of giving away money we dont have... if we have to borrow and spend do something that really will help - maybe not today but over the long haul.  One suggestion if we are going back to our banker (China) use it to rebuild Americas infrastructure. It is time for the democratic republican independent and all Americans regardless of political stripes to bite the bullet stand up and say stop it.  Stop the madness! Shout it from the house tops.  Stop!!! Get rid of the professional tax and spend Miesters.  Draft Mr Smith and send him to Washington.  After balancing his small business and family bank accounts against all odds and in the face of every road block the Congress could throw at him he knows how to make and live within a budget. It must be done quickly to be successful.  The power brokers in Washington have already decided the American people are only whores whose vote can be bought and sold and are now haggling over price and time.  I suppose it is a better offer than when ward captains only passed out pints of moonshine.  But you still have a choice until closing time. How much are you willing to sell your soul for?  What price will you put on your children for the use and pleasure of the establishment? competition success review january 2021 pdf

competition success review january 2021 pdf

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking service chronicle latest edition

 banking service chronicle latest edition

banking service chronicle latest edition Published this article page no   Its finally emerged that the USA had an opportunity to fire a roborocket at Osama bin Laden recently except that he was in Pakistan and their government didnt give permission in time to do the deed. So why should the Americans be thanking them Pakistan did the USA a favor recently ... All they got for it was a surprise rocket attack on their own soil. The situation is wellexplained by Londons Sunday Telegraph in its 29 Jan 06 edition Pakistan delay let bin Laden escape US raid By Massoud Ansari in Karachi Filed 29012006 Prevarication by the Pakistani government cost America the chance to kill Osama bin Laden in an airstrike near the Afghan border two years ago the Sunday Telegraph has been told. A CIA lead that the alQaeda leader was hiding in a remote province was squandered because the Pakistani government delayed giving permission for the attack on its soil according to a senior Western diplomat ... By the time US officials got the goahead bin Laden had left the suspected hideout in Zhob in the Baluchistan province of southwest Pakistan. The nearmiss was cited by the diplomat as the reason why America chose not to consult Islamabad before the US missile strike in Pakistans Bajaur region two weeks ago. The January 13 attack prompted by a tip that bin Ladens deputy Ayman alZawahiri was hiding in a local village killed 13 civilians. According to his account which was backed by sources within Pakistani intelligence the CIA picked up electronic traffic suggesting that bin Laden and his bodyguards had sought temporary shelter in Zhob which is dominated by Pathan and Baloch tribesmen sympathetic to alQaeda and the Taliban. Fearing that a commando raid would cause massive casualties to both sides with no guarantee of success the US decided to launch a strike by laserguided missiles fired from Predator drones. If he was in Zhob at the time it would have been the first known occasion that he had been firmly in Americas sights since his escape from Tora Bora in Afghanistan where he slipped through a cordon of US troops in 2001 ... Coincidentally another article appeared in that same edition of the Sunday Telegraph which underscored the effect bin Ladens words can have Author shoots from obscurity to infamy after plug from bin Laden By Philip Sherwell Filed 29012006 To William Blums surprise and apparent disappointment he found that his name had not been added to the US nofly list when he travelled from his home in Washington DC to Ohio last week to deliver one of his frequent antiAmerican lectures on a campus. Mr Blum is revelling in what he calls his 15 minutes of fame. To many of his compatriots that should read 15 minutes of infamy after Osama bin Laden declared that he was a fan of the previously obscure Leftwing author and virulent Americabasher. The 72yearold writer admits he was delighted by the plug for his book Rogue State A Guide to the Worlds Only Superpower in the Saudi terror masterminds latest taped audio message. After bin Ladens recommendation the book soared from 205763rd to 26th place on Amazon.coms list of mostordered books. I thought I might have ended up on the nofly list after that. Anything is possible in this country today Mr Blum told the Sunday Telegraph perhaps overestimating his importance in the eyes of the US authorities. But he is strikingly honest about his newfound notoriety. I am not at all sorry to have been mentioned by bin Laden he said. In fact Im pleased. Im part of a movement whose goal it is to slow down if not stop the American empire from what its doing around the world ... In his taped message bin Laden recommended that President George W Bush read Mr Blums Rogue State a sharp critique of US foreign policy. The alQaeda mastermind then quoted an extract in which the author wrote that if he was president he could stop terror attacks against the US permanently by apologising very publicly and very sincerely to all the widows and orphans the impoverished and the tortured and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. Mr Blums agenda notwithstanding the best thing that happened to Americas war on bin Laden is that they didnt kill him. Anyone cognizant who has ever been even remotely exposed to the culture of bin Ladens target audience knows that his words would have a tenfold impact if he became martyred. If he can raise a fringe authors book almost 200000 places in Amazons world with a simple utterance think of what would happen if his words became finite by his demise. The term exalted comes to mind. Their inspirational impact would be hugely amplified by the fact that he too died for his cause just like hes urged his followers to do. In their unilateral and socalled war on terror the USA has spent billions of dollars on revenge and the toppling of a dictatorial blowhard. The opposition has only spent thousands but seemingly has not lost much ground Afghanistan and Iraq are still in relative states of anarchy after all they are fueled by the charisma of a man who as Ive said before is nothing more than a common criminal who has wrapped himself in an extreme fundamentalist cause and then been elevated to celebrity status by his mighty adversary. I dont think the USA can afford to kill him. They need to capture him alive. He never was the terrorist mastermind of alQaeda he was only the banker and the face to their cause. Having him at large until hes captured is not going to significantly alter any of their activities. Only if bin Ladens empty agenda is exposed by being formally brought to justice will there be any chance of effectively revealing his true colors as a charlatan. There needs to be the ultimate occasion where he can be reviled by the true keepers of Muslim faith for perverting their religion. Only in a court of law can this happen and if it comes to pass it will happen. So thank you Pakistan regardless of your operatives motives. banking service chronicle latest edition