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banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019  Published this article page no   In the wrong circumstances image can indeed be everything. In the case of Osama bin Laden his image is just possibly a more potent tool than his money. How did this happen We can only look to the West for answers. I may be repulsed at the deeds orchestrated by Osama bin Laden ... But Im even more repulsed at the ineptitude displayed in the attempts to stop him and his cause. I mean the guys a murderous criminal. Hes an antiMuslim as any credible scholar of the Koran would attest. Hes been disowned by his family and disavowed by the country of his birth. So why is it so hard to dislodge him as a hero to a significant portion of the Muslim world The answer frankly is in the policies of those to whom his attacks are directed. The USA and its allies have transformed the perception of Osama bin Laden into that of a modernday Robin Hood a rich guy who is a champion of the poor by virtue of his acts against the capitalist infidels who invade their lands and impose a foreign culture upon them. As far as Im concerned it takes a band of idiots to offer democracy to a country and not be able to make it palatable but to date the Western powers are 0for2 in Afghanistan and Iraq and their mishandling of bin Ladens image is a major reason why. It seems clear that until they can defeat Osama bin Laden and his band of thieves theyll fight an uphill battle. It seems just as clear that this task shouldnt even have been part of the equation. After all alQaeda wasnt the Taliban  the actual rulers of Afghanistan at the time  and it certainly had little or nothing to do with Iraq. However every enemy needs a poster boy and bin Laden was certainly wellpositioned to provide one. He was only an uneasy ally with the Taliban and just a distant acquaintance with Saddam Hussains ironfisted machine. However he fit the stereotype of an extreme culpable Muslim terrorist who stood for all that was evil in the region. That put him in perfect position to be publicized by the Western worlds leaders which in the process proved the ageold bromide to downtrodden andor displaced Muslims that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I highly recommend the recently published book by Peter Bergen The Osama bin Laden I Know an Oral History of alQaedas Leader. To defeat an adversary one must first understand him. This book does an excellent job of not only providing a series of firsthand accounts which illuminate bin Ladens origins and background but even more importantly confirming that the publicity heaped upon him by the USA and its allies has only served to solidify bin Ladens legend among his followers and others who are susceptible to his twisted message. Bergen argues that alQaeda was close to becoming an afterthought in the Muslim world prior to the invasion of Iraq. The majority of Muslims were appalled by the wanton murder of innocents on 11 Sep 2001. The alQaeda movement was virtually crushed during the American retaliation in Afghanistan which was really directed against the Taliban government for harboring bin Laden. It could be effectively argued that the alQaeda cause had been minimalized to that of an outrageous bunch of anarchists hiding behind a great religions doctrine. And then the Americans tied alQaeda to Iraq to further justify their invasion. My guess is that bin Laden couldnt believe his good fortune. He had no standing in that country until that time. Now his money and his message sound quite appealing to devout young Iraqi men who have few alternatives in a devastated land that will need years to stablize. The irony is that these are people who like the American way they just happen to like it on their terms rather than have it thrust upon them in a context of imposition which leaves them little choice but to obey or rebel. And therein lies the ultimate irony. At no time has bin Laden or alQaeda actually stated their way. banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

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