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banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf

  banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf 

banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf  Published this article page no  Some of the characteristics and virtues of mustika-pearls are intensely curious and interesting. Below we present just a few of these  The pearl from the dugong (called "Ikan-duyung" in Indonesian) for instance floats in salt water but sinks in fresh water this and the crystallized pearl from its tear are good for love-spells. The otter-pearl attracts lots of fishes during fishing trips the fossilized egg of a crocodile increases ones sexual prowess the dew-pearl beautifies ones aura--the smaller sizes of these pearls when moisten with ones finger coheres to it as it is dragged across a smooth surface the golden carp and bamboo (symbols of wealth business advantage and longevity in Chinese lore) -pearls attracts lots of luck and increases prosperity the centipede pearl helps one to choose the right numbers during gambling the owl-pearl helps to improve ones psychic senses the Galih Kelor seed-pearl wards-off negative energies in the form of black magick and psychic attack the boar-pearl makes one invulnerable to sharp weapons. Almost all of the pearls have unusual powers and virtues. If one finds an object embedded in a pearl it usually has extra virtues. Generally speaking the higher nature power abilities virtues of animals/plants are to be found in the pearls. Mustika-pearls unlike ordinary gem stones and crystals possesses the combined spiritual blueprints matrixes and forces of the spirit-animal-mineral or the spirit-plant-mineral kingdoms. Most mustika-pearl enthusiasts are amazed at the size and diversity of the pearls. Take for instance the centipede pearl these sometimes measures 1 cm or more in diameter. The size itself could cause some skeptism as we normally think of centipedes as small creatures yet in the jungles of Sumatra they may grow to be as long as a meter in length! The quality and type of centipede pearls differ depending on which region they come from. A centipede may also produce four sorts of pearls--one on its head this is called the "crown." Another may be found in its stomach smaller types are to be found among its whiskers and the most valuable and scarce of them all the pearl to be found in its mouth--this one is said to glow in the dark and gives one the power of etheric vision. Most mustika-pearls are of a crystalline nature and are closely related to the etheric world perhaps much more than any of the common substances that we normally come across in our daily lives. Each pearl carries the vibrational essence of the Spirit Intelligence in charge of the evolution of the consciousness and form of the animal/plant species allocated to it. Unlike consuming animal meat and substances close and regular contact with animal and plant pearls have a healing effect upon our body and psyche and raises our energy-frequency aiding us to transit into a higher consciousness-level awakening our spiritual senses. Most owners of magickal pearls only look to their physical effect--the true value of a mustika lies in what it can do for ones spiritual evolution. In alchemy the practitioner would seek ways to transmute base metals into gold and to acquire the philosophers stone and the stone of various substances. Nature the great alchemist produces animal and plant stones in her laboratory under the appropriate conditions known at present only to Her we are blessed that these stones are available for healing some of the psychological and physical ills that we constantly suffer. Mustikas are Natures products and come in all sorts of shapes and sizes as alluded to before. Mustikas of the same animal or plant-life may differ in form color size etc. The shape is sometimes given by the lapidary though normally the original outline is closely followed in the tumbling and polishing process. The point is that the genuineness of a mustika cannot be judged by its appearance alone--but by occult detection. Nevertheless mustikas do possess high vibrational qualities that most low-caliber psychics toxicated with egoic-debris are unable to detect. Not sensing these they may pronounce a magickal pearl to be a fake. Mustikas in their original state have a rough texture and requires tumbling and polishing to bring out their true beauty. Lapidaries are often surprised with these mustikas. One fellow commented the strangeness of these pearls--normally tumbling and polishing ten ordinary stones gives him no aching problem. But just polishing one of these mustikas makes his arm ache all over--and yet they are probably no harder than the average agate stone--some are even brittle. Not knowing the origin of these pearls he then suggested that they must be enchanted. Indeed! A further shock was when he discovered that one of them changed color when it was immersed in water. This is quite interesting as most magickal pearls do have unusual physical characteristics. Choosing a mustika for ones personal use may require careful thought. It should be noted that the consciousness of God pervades all of Nature and in each creature we have the dynamic Divine Intelligence expressing in a certain way with certain virtues. Thus the spiritual attribute that we wish to develop may be a factor in ones choice of an animal or a plant mustika-pearl. Studying Nature--animal psychology behavioral-patterns and instincts or the Doctrine of Signatures of the plant kingdom and the symbolism of both would be a rewarding venture for those intending to acquire mustika-pearls for personal use. If one has no actual purpose in mind or preference one should choose a pearl that coincides closely with ones Totem-animal or the animal that harmonizes well with ones Chinese zodiacal sign. Ones Totem-animal may be known by careful introspection by sensing a special affinity with an animal or feeling the animal that one resonates well with. Totem animals may also be known through constant dreams of the animal through meditation/intuition by ones childhood obsession or longing for the animal as a pet of the psychological identification with the animal itself or by the animal that one is most attracted to or fears most by constant pictorial or concrete imagery forms of the animal arising in some manner etc. If one often dream of tigers and as a child found joy in fantasizing about the animal this may indicate that the creature is ones Totem-animal. Sometimes the knowledge of ones Power or Totem animal is acquired during a crisis--during a physical encounter with the animal for instance or during unusual circumstances the knowledge is brought to the awareness. Knowledge of ones Totem animal may be acquired through a "VisionQuest." In Native American-Indian society this VisionQuest is mandatory as part of the rite of passage presented to the young. This quest entails fasting and seclusion in nakedness in a sweatlodge where a vision of a Totem-animal is unexpectedly presented by the Great Spirit to the consciousness of the child undergoing it. Tokens of the animal may be discovered subsequent to the vision in the surrounding area. This quest may be undergone by anyone willing to acquire the vision after due preparation. The Totem animals are the projection of the elements of ones inner consciousness representing the area or quality in ones spirituality that requires balancing harmonizing or developing. Carrying a mustika-pearl of the animal in question serves as an aid in attuning with the Spirit-Guardian/Intelligences of the animal and helping us to administer to our soul-need and harmonize the imbalances in the psyche. It also helps to transfer the great wisdom or skill that each animal possess to our inner being. Choosing a mustika-pearl based on ones Chinese sign is also a good method for determining what pearl would be best for one. Naturally this method and the one above does not apply to plant-pearls. These latter can be worn by anyone with great benefit. The Chinese Zodiacal signs are grouped into four  Chinese Zodiacal Animals Pig Rabbit Goat Rat Monkey Dragon Cow Chicken Snake Tiger Dog Horse If you happen to be a Goat one suitable pearl would be the Pig (Wild Boar) or Rabbit. If you are a Rat the pearl that would best complement you is the Monkey-pearl or the Dragon- (dragon-snake) pearl. Substitutes may be used if a pearl from the exact creature is unavailable. For instance the pig-pearl may be substituted by the wild-boar pearl the ape or gorilla for the monkey the dragon-snake for the dragon the wild-dog or wolf for the dog. One might also choose a mustika-pearl on the basis of its color as related to a chakra. A pearl with the associated color of a chakra vibrationally enhances the chakra and its psychological expression while aiding in removing any pathological elements related to it. Another possible alternative of choosing a magickal pearl is the element-color method. Whatever element one lacks in his astrological nature may be complemented with a mustika of the appropriate color. If a person has an abundance of water in his psychological make-up he may choose a color other than blue as blue represents water. Following are the colors and the elements as given by one system of correspondence  Red--Fire Blue--Water Green--Earth Yellow--Air. Mustika pearls of plants and animals may be chosen for their value in occult workings and rites. Every mustika-pearl has its mystical virtues that may be tapped and appropriated for the purposes of the Magickal Operator. The occult practitioner would study the attributes of the animal or plant in order to know which is especially required for certain magickal operations. If one has absolutely no idea what mustika-pearl would be best for ones general well-being health spiritual development and prosperity one could submit the question to a shaman who is attuned to the Intelligences of Nature. The shaman would choose that which is appropriate for ones present evolutionary development keeping in mind the subjects well-being in both spiritual and mundane matters. It is also possible to acquire the necessary information from ones Higher Self ones Inner Guide. Once having obtained a mustika one might wonder what can be done with it or how to harness the power that it possesses. Whatever virtues a mustika possesses would be transferred to us by simply carrying or wearing it for some time. The effects of the mustika may be perceived after several weeks or so depending on the virtue sought. Greater powers such as invulnerability against sharp weapons as that given by the wild boar pearl may take a greater period of constant proximity with the pearl before it may show some effects. The time factor may be quickened by following certain disciplines such as constant attunement-sessions with the elemental spirit/pearl and drinking/showering with the water or elixir of the pearl. These elixirs or enchanted water/oil carry no physical properties of the pearls but they do carry the vibrational quality and essences of the spiritual aspect of the animals or plants from which they have been derived. Steeping pearls in a glass of water for half an hour empowers the water with its energies. Steeping it for several hours under sun or moonlight would imbue the water with a greater amount of the pearls vibratory energies and essences abundant life-force of a plant/animal mustika-pearl are channeled into the water. The spiritual blue-print in the pearl containing information of the animal/plant are also infused into the water. This is a supplemental nutrient for the various psychic components within man. Whatever force is embued in the water by the steeping process is transferred to ones physical and subtle bodies impelling them to resonate at higher frequencies where diseases of mind body and soul are non-existent and cannot exist. The enchanted pearl-water has a deep impact upon the nervous and blood-system. Generally plant pearls affect more of the physical and etheric bodies while animal pearls the astral and spiritual side of man. Drinking mustika-pearl water assists in ones reintegration with the Cosmic Intelligence this cannot help but improve ones sense of oneness and harmony with all of Nature. This has a tremendous psychological import in ones approach to life transmuting negativity into positivity. Mixing the pearl-waters of various mustikas is permissible. Once having studied the powers virtues and healing properties of each pearl a blend may be made of the waters to achieve a specific result. Constant attunements with the pearls helps to intuitively know their powers. Mustika-pearl water should be made in a tranquil environment.When drunk the water acts as a tonic effect to the body healing physical ailments psychological problems balancing the chakral energies and promoting spiritual awareness and growth. Pearl-elixirs using an alcohol-base may also be made. Nowadays in the New-Age market gem crystal and flower elixirs may be easily acquired. There is no company as yet however producing mustika elixirs. When properly made these mustika-elixirs would possess more power and have a greater effect than the ordinary ones produced from gem stones and crystals. That mustika-pearl water possesses healing virtues many people including ourselves have personally determined to be true. It would be superfluous and unnecessary to relate case histories one would have to experience this for oneself. Aside from its consumption mustika-pearl elixirs and water--and even oil--may also be anointed or massaged into the body. The pearl-fluid may be applied to the various points or chakral vortices along the main and secondary channels of the subtle body where the energy-flow is blocked . Its application helps to break up the psychic toxins embedded in the channels. Pearl water elixir or oil may also be placed in a room and left alone for its evaporation. The vibratory essence of the pearl would transmute negative energies in the surrounding area and harmonize the psychological condition of the people moving and living within its influential reach. Some practitioners believe that the consumption of pearl-water is insufficient to tap the power of a pearl that a password is required to command the indwelling spirit. There is some truth in this but the password is just a gimmick created by occult practitioners hoping to excite the interest of pearl-owners and increase their clientele. What is actually required is a simple psychic-attunement with the elemental spirit--by calling its name (if known) absorbing its energies by holding the pearl and explaining to it the purpose of steeping the pearl in a glass of water. This communication with the pearl-intelligence may be formulated into an affirmation or decree--they should be specific so that the elemental-intelligence knows the healing or work that is to be conducted. Mustika-pearls should be handled with great care as some of them are fragile. They should also be anointed often with aromatic oil such as sandalwood or zafarron. banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf

  banking services chronicle january 2021 pdf 

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