competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, August 28, 2021

General science biology

 General science biology 

General science biology published this article page no 37 the inca trail to machu picchu.  the capaq nan trail is the most popular inca trail of all as it leads to the village of ollantaytambo and  machu picchu the lost city of the incas. there are also many well-preserved ruins along the way and that along with passing through the andes mountain range and parts of the amazonian rainforests makes the whole experience very magical. you will encounter the sun gate and entrance to machu picchu your reward after your amazing journey.  the inca empire reached its height around 1450 when machu picchu was built. story has it  that  under the spanish  conquest  the empire collapsed and  machu picchu was abandoned less than 100 years later. the spanish did not manage to locate machu picchu and because the jungle reclaimed itself it was preserved as were many other inca sites. only a very few knew of its existence and the empire was returned  to the worlds imagination in 1911 by the yale historian and explorer hiram general science biology syllabus.

 General science biology 

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