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Thursday, September 1, 2022

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today Published this article  The conceptual understanding of power can be gauged from the various definitions that have been put forward by various stalwarts. Bertrand Russell in his work Power A New Social Analysis 1938 defines power as the production of intended effects. Robert Dahl in his work Modern Political Analysis 1991 described power as a kind of influence it is exercised when compliance is attained by creating the prospect of severe sanctions for non-compliance. This usage of the word sanctions in the latter definition signifies the limited or narrow imagination of what power yields. As stated by Joseph Nye Sometimes we can get the outcomes we want without tangible threats or payoffs. This is what is called second face of power and a country may obtain the outcomes it wants in world politics because other countries—admiring its values emulating its example aspiring to its level of prosperity and openness— want to follow it. Vaccine diplomacy as the nomenclature to define this phenomenon bends towards the soft power perspective. Soft power rests on the ability to shape the preferences of others. The sources of soft power of a country according to Joseph Nye rest primarily on three resources its culture (in places where it is attractive to others) its political values (when it lives up to them at home and abroad) and its foreign policies (when they are seen as legitimate and having moral authority) (Jospeh S. Nye 2012) drishti current affairs buy online.

drishti current affairs today

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