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Thursday, September 1, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article  The pattern of consumption has changed significantly especially during the lockdown periods. Studies have noted a substantial reduction in discretionary (read as conspicuous) consumption. Consumers are less blinded by the brand-value and are increasingly alert about distinguishing between essential and non-essential consumption even while choosing a brand.4 This is a form of containment of wants though forced by circumstances. Nudging households to choose healthy lifestyle to bolster immunity in the face of Covid-19 is another blessing in disguise. Preferences are shifting to natural and herbal remedies and learning about their goodness and lasting effects. Ceremonies have become spartan since huge gatherings are dangerous. More time at home is a Razors Edge kind of a situation. On the one hand there are studies of higher incidence of substance abuse alcoholism anxiety and depression5 and on the other innovative and creative ways are being devised to make home-stay more bearable. These include online learning programs from those aiming at honing untapped skills to the ones on self-healing and discovering inner peace. It is true that the deaths and morbidity associated with the pandemic along with the financial stress and being largely homebound has led to more cases suffering from depression and anxiety but it is also true that more and more people in our society are willing to acknowledge these cases as normal and are willing to reach out to provide assistance at least through social media. Indeed the Subjective Well-Being (SWB) can swing in either direction as brought out by an exhaustive study based on a cross sectional survey of over 1000 participants in China6  and how we tweak the support systems towards choosing a healthier lifestyle now can have a critical impact for the times to come shine india monthly magazine online

Shine india monthly magazine

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